Truly Canadian

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Perceptions of Canada

My Perception of canada

I have always thought of Canada as a great place to call home. Over the years as my knowledge of Canada and of our history
has grown my opinions changeed, I began to truly value my home in this great county. The more I understand the more realize how much I have take the place I live for granted.

Previously I thought of Canada as similar to the rest of the world. I have always known that we are lucky to have such a great home, but I never realized quite how lucky we actually are. I knew that Canada was one of the top countries in the world and I assumed her to be much like the other top nation. For the longest time I believed Canada and the United states to be almost identical. Only recently have I realized how different Canada really is and I appreciate that.

I see Canada as a peaceful country as do many others. This is a Canadian choice the choice to spend much less on our military than most other countries. This is one of her major differences bettween canada and other nations. The peace as I see it is positive but a reliance on the Unided States and a weakness against attack are some negative factors.

Canada is not with out her flaws but overall I think that Canada is one of the best places to live and I am proud to be Canadian.



Other Perceptions - Steriotypes

There are many different perceptions of Canada from many different people. The many Canadian stereotypes always seem to amuse Canadians, especially when uttered on some TV show by a thoughtless Gun Loving American. Canadians as you can see have their own stereotypes of other countries.

I often wonder what others truly think of Canadians. I think that many stereotypes and perceptions are blown out of proportion by the media. I know that stereotypes like Canadians all live in igloos or that we are all obsessed with our beer, are only believed my a few Americans.It has been stereotyped by Canadians that all Americans believe such things.
Those who dont live in that country stereotype every other county. Usually it is a result of a lack of knowledge about another country or its way of life. There are many stereotypes associated with Canada I dont think that in the case of the Canadians and Americans many of them are actually believed.

I think that other nations do perceive us as peacekeepers but that can be based on many facts. As for some of the more humorous things and there are lots such as we are all Eskimos, its winter all year round here, we all play and are obsessed with only hockey, I don't think many people actually believe those although I must admit there probably are a few who do. An interesting quiz can be taken at to see some stereotypes and the actual truth. Although there are many stereotypes that are unrealistic there are also many views and opinions of Canadians that may be stereotypical that are believed to be true.


Ian Dusome,